Re: linking against multiple *mm libraries

> On a related topic, I have heard rumors of developers moving away from
> Bonobo for technical reasons. Is there anyone on this mailing list who
> can confirm this, and maybe give a short explanation on why and what
> the alternatives are?

Bonobo is mostly only useful for binary-interoperable (cross-language at
runtime) widget embedding. Not many people actually need that.

In the past, lots of GNOME's main UI APIs (menus, toolbars, etc) were
implemented in Bonobo just because it was the favourite technology of the
time. We are moving away from that, so you only have to use that
technology when you want/need to.

Bonobo (and CORBA itself) is also incredibly horrible in C. And it's those
C developers that you are hearing about most.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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