2002-November Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Text Import and locale problems,
José MarÃa Casanova Crespo
Quattro Pro Matrices,
Stan J. Klimas
Quattro Pro Importer was Re: gnumeric-list digest, Vol 1 #755 - 8 msgs,
Stan J. Klimas
character is droped when gnumeric reads file,
building gnumeric in garnome,
Michael George
- Re: building gnumeric in garnome,
Andreas J. Guelzow
- Re: building gnumeric in garnome,
Jody Goldberg
- building gnumeric with guppi,
Paolo Ghidini
- Re: building gnumeric with guppi,
Jody Goldberg
- Re: building gnumeric in garnome,
Michael George
- Re: building gnumeric in garnome,
German Poo Caaman~o
- Re: building gnumeric in garnome,
Jody Goldberg
- Re: building gnumeric in garnome,
Michael George
- Re: building gnumeric in garnome,
Jody Goldberg
- Re: building gnumeric in garnome,
Michael George
- Re: building gnumeric in garnome,
Michael George
- Re: building gnumeric in garnome,
Jody Goldberg
building libgsf,
Michael George
Re: gnumeric-list digest, Vol 1 #752 - 1 msg,
Stan J. Klimas
qpro importer help needed,
Morten Welinder
Gnumeric : Contest for a Splash Screen,
Jody Goldberg
Patch for numbers and currency format,
Nicolas Peninguy
Vidhya Subramanian
Gnumeric 1.1.12,
Jody Goldberg
Wondering about Excel 11 "XML import",
Daniel Veillard
common helper function for linest, logest, and logreg,
Olaf Till
building libs enroute to latest gnumeric,
Michael George
"Serious cell error",
Allin Cottrell
Gnumeric's MS Excel XP/2k/97 export ready for testing,
Jody Goldberg
Does Gnumeric provide full i18n/L10n support now,
Paul Huang
how to change decimal separator,
Jordi Castells
Problem building,
Jim Robison-Cox
Gnumeric 1.1.11,
Jody Goldberg
Gnumeric 1.1.10,
Jody Goldberg
internet explorer,
Grabau Katrin
Re: Auto-capitalization in gnumeric,
Jody Goldberg
Mail converted by MHonArc