Re: Steps to get to GTK+ 3.0

Yevgen Muntyan wrote:
Say, this Gtk-3.0 idea sucks. It brings nothing to application
developers, yet application developers will be effectively forced
to migrate to avoid problems. You are doing a disservice to
application developers with this. It's a road to 4.0? Give me
a break, canvas can be done now, and Undo in text widget doesn't
need disabled deprecated API either. Thing is, nobody wants to
do boring stuff, everybody wants to do exciting new stuff. Like
writing a new programming language or mangling structure member
Now what, do I get kicked out off the list? (Well, you can't
do that)

Right, 3.0 will bring very little, if nothing to developers in short term.

As it has been brought up on this list many times. There are really no alternatives to making this change in process. We have to do this, or Gtk+ will die slowly and become irrelevant.

Some major features discussed are not depending on the 3.0 release to be done. But Canvas is one of them. You might want to do an attempt to violently push in a canvas into Gtk sure, but what we're really aiming at is something Clutter like which would give you proper integration. And that cannot be solved without breaking all widgets in various interesting ways.

You just need to remember, nobody is forcing you to use Gtk+ 3.0 or even Gtk+ at all.


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