Re: [patch] confirm before sending to trash

Hi Colomban
you're right. Thanks for noticing that! I am not using the git version and didn't realize about the typo.
Attached comes the correct version.

Giorgio F. Gilestro

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Colomban Wendling <lists ban herbesfolles org> wrote:

Le 16/03/2011 18:09, Giorgio F. Gilestro a écrit :
> On 03/16/2011 03:54 PM, Rui Tiago Cação Matos wrote:
>> On 16 March 2011 15:21, Giorgio F. Gilestro <giorgio gilestro tk> wrote:
>>> change Delete to Ctrl-Delete (like MacOSX).
>> Actually this one sounds good regardless of the undo work. While at
>> it, add the keyboard accelerator to the Edit > Move to Trash entry
>> too, which should actually be there already.
>> Rui
> Alright, let's see if we can agree on this one. I am attaching the patch
> agains git master.

Seems to me that in the GtkActionEntry array you changed the wrong item
(stock ID instead of accelerator).


Attachment: nautilus-git-delkeycomb.patch
Description: Binary data

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