Re: libRSVG development

I contacted Hiroyuki Ikezoe and Christian Persch three weeks ago asking for the current development status of librsvg (I attached my mail, I hope it doesn't sound unkind?). I didn't receive any answer yet, though...

Any ideas what could be done in this case?


Am 02.04.2013 21:04, schrieb Andre Klapper:
Many projects are neither extremely active nor completely unmaintained.
(In case of librsvg, maintainers did some hacking seven months ago.)

It might be worth to contact maintainers explicitly (see ) and kindly ask
for review of specific patches (overview of unreviewed patches at ), or to issue a
call for new blood (or invite active patch writers to co-maintainership)
if there is no interest in maintainership anymore.
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Dear Hiroyuki, Dear Christian,

I've got a question regarding librsvg development and you're listed as the project's maintainers. Basically I want to know if you're still planning to actively develop the library or if you're only providing basic support. Even If you don't plan to actively develop the library any more I want to ask if you're still willing to apply patches by other authors or if new developers have to be recruited in order to enhance the library further.

The reason for my request is a patch I wrote myself and which I had submitted to Bugzilla over four months ago ( but for which I never got a reply. It seems there are also other patches currently waiting for review. Also the GIT repository's log is a little quiet. The last commit that wasn't some kind of build fix but really changed librsvg's functionality seems to be older than a year.

Just to be clear: This isn't some sort of criticism. I'm just curious what the current state of the project is and if it makes sense if I put additional effort in creating patches for problems that affect me most in the future.

The reason for my personal interest in librsvg development is that I'm quite active on Wikimedia Commons and other Wikimedia projects and Wikimedia's SVG renderer of choice is currently librsvg. Therefore one often has to work around specific renderer bugs (Wikimedia has a list on their own, too:

I'm looking forward to your answer and would be glad if it is positive.


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