Re: Proposal: Replace all references to master/slave in GNOME modules

Je mer, 2019-05-01 je 22:38 +1000, Michael Gratton skribis:
On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 14:30, Carmen Bianca Bakker 
<carmen carmenbianca eu> wrote:
I think the problem is that, when prompted why we should make this
change, you said that we need only look at Python to see why this
change is good. But Python did NOT change the name of their master
branch, so it's a disingenuous example.
I never claimed that, so I'm actually the one being mis-represented 
here. :)
Perhaps it's splitting hairs, but that's how it was interpreted.

I did however point out that Python has replaced uses of the term 
"master", and we should do the same.
We should. But not all instances of "master" are equally
problematic—that's the main debate here. I don't see anybody here
disagreeing against replacing instances of master that are NOT related
to Git.

But you didn't respond to anything else in my response.

With kindness,

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