2002-March Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Gnumeric 1.05 Make error,
Marko Randjelovic
Why does numeric change case of my input?,
gnubie questions,
Saving to Excel 95 format doesn't work,
Bill Anderson
Yeah, got that lil guppi thing to work! :D,
Taura Milana
Segmentation faults: Debian unstable and gnumeric 1.0.5,
Alan Davis
support for more than 256 cols?,
Josh Fryman
gnumeric and guppi,
Taura Milana
need more columns than 256...,
Josh Fryman
Text import font/locale problem,
Cannot execute graph guru,
Taura Milana
exporting a selection in a worksheet to latex,
Nirmal Govind
gnumeric 1.0.5 doc generation error,
Taura Milana
gnumeric XML data spec,
Allin Cottrell
gnumeric 1.0.5 xml linking error,
Taura Milana
Help needed pls,
Guppi fonts,
Sebastian Manzano
Cant make graph !,
in replacement for commercial spreadsheets,
(no subject),
Python and Corba/Bonobo,
Travis Whitton
i18n printing,
Tomas Pluskal
Screenshots in Gnumeric Docs.,
Adrian Custer
Updating GNUmeric and all its dependencies on RedHat 7.2 Intel from 0.67 to 1.0.x,
Gaziz Nugmanov
PATCH: Add --print support to command line,
Matthew Chappee
Magic Number Problem,
Russell, Patrick
problems with test-gnumeric-corba.c,
Tommi Hassinen
Gnumeric Python Tutorial,
Travis Whitton
Gnumeric 1.1.1 (development branch),
Jody Goldberg
1.0.5 compilation error,
Stephen Eglen
Gnumeric automation using gnorba/goad/oaf/whatever?,
Tommi Hassinen
gnumeric - EXCEL plugin,
Lutz Müller
Gnumeric 1.0.5,
Jody Goldberg
Re: plugins python vs python-loader,
Jody Goldberg
gnome-font-private.h:50: parse error before "FT_Face",
Dave Lawrence
broken i18n printing in gedit and gnumeric,
Tomas Pluskal
Unsupported file format,
John Williams
plotting question,
Peter Jay Salzman
AutoFilter support, if/when?,
Oliver Jones
Re: Problem getting all strings for translation,
Tino Meinen
Documentation build,
Kevin Breit
Date and time manipulations,
Rune Mossige
XL help request,
Andreas J. Guelzow
How to display norwegian letters?,
Rune Mossige
Unable to compile gnumeric-1.0.4 - undefined reference to `e_free_string_list',
Simon Taylor
gnumeric 1.0.4 build problems,
Justin Rosander
Gnumeric 1.0.4 missing £ and documentation,
Mark Hindley
Printer Defaults,
Chris Tooley
linker error with 1.0.2,
Mail converted by MHonArc